Why choose JM?


JM has over years of experience in Eastbourne and his trips are very well organised.

JM supports you by running a 24/7 emergency phone while students are in town.

JM long stay students have a full and varied programme for at least 6 days a week including 2 all-day trips to London, a trip to Brighton and lots of afternoon and evening activities. You receive a copy of the programme approx. 14 days before arrival so you always know in advance what the students are up to on a daily basis.

JM takes his students back to the JM bus stops on private buses after all evening activities and excursions. So, you do not need to worry about students staying out until late at night.

JM has had more than 200.000 students since 1982. Many of them have returned for another stay. You get a 25 GBP bonus if a student returns to you.

JM has students all year around, from February till December!

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